Assoc. Prof. Anna Mazurek-Kusiak

  • Title: Assoc. Professor
  • Qualifications: PhD in Economics & Finance, MSc in Economics, Postgraduate studies in Information Technology at School, Postgraduate studies in Management of Research Projects and Development Projects
  • Field of specialization: Economics and Finance, Information Technologies, Project Development

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Dr Anna Mazurek-Kusiak is an Associate Professor at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, in the Faculty of Agrobioengineering (Department of Tourism and Recreation) and a prominent author of about 150 scientific publications and books on tourism, marketing, management, and economics. She has been awarded six times of the Rector of the University of Life Sciences for her scientific and organizational activity and has participated in international programs at Shanghai University (China), Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy (Lithuania) and Eszterhazy Karoly College (Eger, Hungary). Her research interests and lectures involve among other, the impact of agritourism on the development of innovative food tourist behavior, marketing and management, developing tourism products, managerial accounting, economics, and finance in tourism.