14 Jul 2020

ISO Seminar for the Staff

ISO 9001: 2015 is the international standard for quality. The standard defines the policies and procedures according to which a company must operate so that the final product and / or services are judged to be satisfactory by both its customers and other remaining stakeholders. The system has been created to raise both the level and quality of services of a company as well as the processes within the organization to such an extent that everyone knows what to do based on the company’s organizational chart.

Mesoyios College, realizing the importance of ISO 9001: 2015, in collaboration with the consulting company QUALISYS that specializes in ISO system, decided to implement this system, and within this framework Mesoyios College organized the first internal seminar SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION.

Mesoyios College is an organization that strongly believes in improving and upgrading quality as well as developing its human resources, and certainly with this approach, Mesoyios is paving the way for the proper training and implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015 system.