Our facilitites are fresh new and modern. The use of technology aims to empower our students knowledge. All the auditoriums are fully equipped with media (projectors, speakers etc.) for quality teaching and learning experience. They are also equipped with audio visual equipment in order to facilitate the faculty staff in their teaching and provide innovative teaching methods to our students.

Mesoyios College provides 2 large amphitheaters, 2 Auditoriums and 1 Computer Science Lab.

Athens Amphitheatre

Tel Aviv Auditorium

Barcelona Computer Science Lab

Alexandria Auditorium

Rome - Marseille Amphitheatre

Hospitality Simulations Laboratory

In collaboration with the MEG Ltd Training Center, our students have access to the 4 modern and fully equipped Hospitality Simulations Laboratories for practical sessions as part of their courses.


Mesoyios College has its own library and electronic library EBSCO host and Open Library, providing students with the necessary literature to enrich their knowledge.

Students of Mesoyios College have also access to the Library of the University of Cyprus and the Technical University of Cyprus. Thus, our students can use two of the best academic libraries in Cyprus free of charge.